Wednesday 07 August 2019

Commercial Investment Series - Commercial vs Residential Investment

Deciding what to invest your money in, to derive an income from, is not an easy decision.  The bank, shares or property are the mainstream options for most people. Over 7.9% of the Australian population has invested in bricks and mortar. Mostly residential. But what is the difference between commercial and residential property? Where should you invest your hard-earned cash.

Commercial versus Residential property investment



Higher yield - 5-10% yield

Lower yield - 3-4% yield

Long term leases – average 3-5year leases or even longer 5-15 years for blue chip tenants

Shorter term leases – 12 months average

Lower capital growth – value reflective of the length and type of lease

Higher capital growth – value reflective of land values

Longer vacancy periods

Shorter vacancy periods

Lower outgoing costs – tenant pays for outgoings and general maintenance

Higher outgoing costs – landlord pays for outgoings and maintenance

Less management intensive – tenant usually responsible for the tenancy

More management intensive – landlord responsible for the tenancy

Higher investment costs – more equity required due to higher purchase prices and higher LTV, higher interest rates, higher set up fees

Lower investment costs – lower equity required due to lower purchase prices and lower LTV, lower interest rates, lower set up fees

Higher lease costs and more complex – generally a solicitor will need to be involved

Lower lease costs and less complex – generally done by an agent

Annual fixed rent increases – CPI or fixed %, predictable increasing income

No fixed rent increases, usually connected to inflation, not predictable, can go down

Large tax effective, particularly depreciation benefits

Tax effective benefits

It is important to note that these are approximate/average figures only and can be affected by location, type of property and the current market conditions. You should always talk to an accountant, lawyer and agent prior to making an investment to ensure that it is conducive to your financial situation and investment planning.

For further information contact one of our sales team on 07 3148 9901 or at


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