Monday 24 August 2020

Covid Friendly Fit Out - Leased

Many businesses are adapting to the 'new' protocols required in the Covid-19 environment.

The challenge for offices is how to adapt their office to Covid-19. How do we make a safe workplace for our teams to thrive in?

We are seeing many of our landlord's rising to the challenge of offering Covid-19 safe fitted out office spaces.

Jack has just settled on one such property at 19 Lang Parade Milton. A 5-year lease on 257sqm for a mechanical engineering services company. The deal was brokered during lockdown when the company realised they needed to entice their employees back into the workforce with a Covid-19 safe fitted out office space.

For further information on such properties contact our leasing consultants today on 07 3148 9901 or at If you have properties to lease contact our Leasing Manager, Lachlan on 0431 757 379.


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